Alison Redford

Alison Redford has been mentioned or cited more than a hundred times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Calgary Beacon' contains more than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Alison Redford was highly popular in July, 2015.

Recent News
Movie Review: The Notrix

[...] , Justin “JT” Trudeau, Christy Clark, Stephen Harper, and special guest appearance by Alison Redford. In a dystopia overrun by lunatic Mulcairian Minions, Coiffeo (Justin Trudeau), Canada’ [...]

2P News

NDP Energy Minister embarrassed after industry meet and greet

[...] of fracking what was she smoking?  We haven’t seen anything that embarrassing since Alison Redford tried to change her name to Barbie Cummings. – Johnson DeWeards, PNRL, speaking to 2P [...]

2P News

Oilsands 'victory' in Europe – but how will they get it there?

[...] about Energy East as “virtually a done deal,” according to Bloomberg. Former Alberta premier Alison Redford told the business site that Energy East is “the key to Alberta being able to unlock a [...]

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