Annabel Karmel

Annabel Karmel has been mentioned or cited more than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Latest nanny, childcare, nursery and early years jobs from' contains less than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Annabel Karmel was highly popular in June, 2016.

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Annabel Karmel Cookery Kits

[...] The Annabel Karmel range of cookery kits is a wonderful way to encourage children to cook and spend time with [...]

Nutrition on the MICE menu at Crowne Plaza

[...] Menu developed by celebrity chef Theo Randall and leading children’s food expert book author Annabel Karmel MBE, and we most recently announced the partnership with Nutrition Australia to develop a [...]

Bumbles™ founder on weaning, making baby food and being a mom

[...] and adjusted them to suit my family’s needs – the results were phenomenal! I love Annabel Karmel too, she is probably the queen of baby food! I recommend her books to all of the moms [...]


Pancakes; what memories are made of.

[...] , blueberries in the batter, even caramelised apples and cinnamon after a morning channelling Annabel Karmel. Yes, Bouncing Boy has always been fruit-averse but with all the heartbreaking naivety and [...]

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