
Barghouti has been mentioned or cited more than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Nsnbc international' contains less than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Barghouti was highly popular in January, 2017.

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Recent News
Golan Heights Back In Play - Draft Agreement For Syrian War Includes Israel Returning Golan Heights To Syria

[...] , in principle, he supports talks with Israel and opposes terror attacks and intifadas. If Barghouti does indeed take over, we may miss Abbas even more, especially as the convicted and jailed [...]

Egypt’s ‘terrorist’ labelling of Hamas stirs protests

[...] . “Hamas is part of the Palestinian national unity movement, and this decision is not useful,” Barghouti said. String of attacks Saturday’s ruling comes just days after Egypt adopted a new anti- [...]

Arabs in Israel decry racial discrimination

[...] from the Arabs themselves,” member Dov Khenin, a Knesset member, said in a press release. Omar Barghouti, an influential Palestinian activist and co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions [...]

Global News Roundup

Global News Roundup

[...] government failed, his office took to Twitter in a campaign against Palestinian unity. However Barghouti says Israelis were in reality not as concerned with Hamas as they were about the idea of [...]

California’s higher education leaders pledge more cooperation – Los Angeles Times

[...] complained to the regents about recent lectures at UC Riverside, UCLA and UC Davis by Omar Barghouti, a Palestinian scholar who supports boycotts of Israeli universities because of Israel’s [...]

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