Bernd Lucke

Bernd Lucke has been mentioned or cited more than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Business Insider' contains less than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Bernd Lucke was highly popular in May, 2016.

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AfD-Streit: Lucke deutet Machtverzicht an – wenn Petry auch geht

[...] AfD ist in den vergangenen Monaten eskaliert. Kaum noch eine Woche, in der sich die Co-Chefs Bernd Lucke und Frauke Petry nicht mit neuen Vorwürfen oder Missgünstigkeiten bedacht hätten. Das [...]

Germany: Merkel’s CDU wins European election despite worst ever result

[...] polls had indicated. With exit polls putting it at 7%, it is expected to provide seven MEPs. Bernd Lucke, head of the AfD, said he wanted to sit with the Tories in the alliance of European [...]

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