Don Draper

Don Draper has been mentioned or cited more than a hundred times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Business Insider' contains more than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Don Draper was highly popular in January, 2017.

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5 Subject Line Mistakes That Tank Your Open Rates

[...] recipient’s. “If you don't like what is being said, then change the conversation,” according to Don Draper. (And who said television rots your brain?!) So switch the messaging around. Frame the [...]

3 Lessons Designers Can Learn from Snap’s Spectacles

[...] with the product beyond a flash, if they have a sentimental bond with the product.”  – Don Draper, Mad Men Nearly two years ago, Google Glass promised to reinvent technological [...]

“So, what is it that you do?”

[...] a wide variety of misconceptions about what exactly a marketing team does. To some, we are Don Draper staring out his office window looking onto Madison Avenue. To others, we are sitting around [...]

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