Izabella Teixeira

Izabella Teixeira has been mentioned or cited more than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'IFreePress' contains less than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Izabella Teixeira was highly popular in December, 2015.

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Recent News
Brazil’s most populous region facing worst drought in 80 years

[...] only a third of the rainfall expected in the wet season Brazilian Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira has said the country’s three most populous states are experiencing their worst drought since [...]


Brazil’s most populous region facing worst drought in 80 years

[...] Brazil’s Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira has said the country’s three most populous states are experiencing their worst drought since [...]


Brazil in ‘worst water crisis’

[...] Brazil’s Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira has said the country’s three most populous states are experiencing their worst drought since [...]


Amazon deforestation drops by 18 percent in Brazil

[...] rain forest deforestation declined by 18 percent over the last 12 months in the country. Izabella Teixeira remarked at a news conference on Wednesday that from August 2013 and July 2014, 1,870 square [...]

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