JFK has been mentioned or cited more than a thousand times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'JFK Bookshop All Products' contains more than a hundred references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, JFK was highly popular in January, 2017.

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Who is the real source of all the anti-Russian propaganda? Why the false flag against Trump now?

[...] fleeced Russia and stripped its assets. The Bush shadow government carried out the assassination of JFK, the BCCI Scandal, the October Surprise, the Iran-Contra Scandal, and the attacks of 911, among [...]


Top 15 Discoveries & Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 – So Far

[...] Hastings, whose car ran into a tree at high speed. It also makes one wonder about the deaths of JFK Jr. (son of John F. Kennedy) and former US senator Paul Wellstone, both of whom died in suspicious [...]


Trashing Obama’s Legacy

[...] the worst conspiracy theories—much like his assertion that Ted Cruz’s father was part of the JFK assassination.  Instead of going to the agencies at his disposal as Commander in Chief like [...]


Zionism vs Islam – Which is More Dangerous?

[...] to cut off all US aid). In March 1957 the Israelis finally withdraw; Zionists have a hand in the JFK assassination, due to their dislike of Kennedy pushing them hard to disclose their secret nuclear [...]


SPYGATE: Obama Administration Colluded with Intelligence Agencies to Frame Trump

[...] with CIA Director Allen Dulles, but after Dulles was fired, all the battles went underground until JFK was assassinated. That’s exactly where this is currently going with President Trump, unless he [...]


Horicon Marsh, Ripon Area, and Headwaters of the Mississippi

[...] for a Bloody Mary in the Buckhorn Bar that features a two-headed calf--and a bathroom used by JFK in 1960 as he sped through the area. [...]


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