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[...] people in the past who all suffered from ADHD. A few of these would be Mozart, Andy Warhol, James Dean, and Kurt Cobain. All of these were very popular people and were able to produce some amazing [...]
[...] of bars and clubs including the famous 5-storey Karlovy Lázne, as well as another club called James Dean and a bar called Groove. The student nightlife was a lot quieter than I expected (compared to [...]
[...] a ’49 Mercury was, and still is, the epitome of “cool.” Didn’t that Hollywood icon, James Dean, make that fact known to all in the movie “Rebel Without A Cause”? Didn’t those two [...]
[...] design ensured that no shoestrings would get caught in their bikes. Later, Marlon Brando and James Dean helped spread this look through their various movie roles, which is what made them popular with [...]
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James Marsters Fansite - Civilized James – A Czech fansite dedicated to American actor and musician James Marsters with ...
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