
Kitzhaber has been mentioned or cited more than a hundred times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Shift Washington' contains more than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Kitzhaber was highly popular in March, 2017.

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Top 3 Democrats who avoided consequences for their actions

[...] him $4,200. To say the least, Reardon got off easy. 2. Disgraced former Oregon governor John Kitzhaber was brought down by a scandal over the financial ties between extreme “green” groups and his [...]

New investigation exposes Inslee’s ties to secretive “green” network

[...] earlier this year on the deep ties between Jay Inslee, disgraced former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber and liberal California billionaire Tom Steyer. According to emails obtained by the Energy and [...]

Democrats pick “green” ideology and fuel mandates over transportation needs

[...] – that were involved in the stunning corruption that brought about the downfall of Oregon’s Kitzhaber are also hard at work in Washington. [...]

Democrat admits “green” policies have little impact on carbon reduction

[...] Oregon’s disgraced Gov. John Kitzhaber may have stepped down, but that doesn’t mean members of his staff bid their jobs adieu. Margi [...]

State Auditor Troy Kelley joins long list of WA Democrats tainted by corruption

[...] staff to approve development permits.” The ties between disgraced former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, his fiancé Cylvia Hayes and Jay Inslee cannot be ignored. As Shift reported, the web of extreme [...]

Kitzhaber scandal claims another shady Democrat

[...] The scandal involving former disgraced Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber and corrupt, extreme “green” environmental organizations claimed another Democrat politician. [...]

Seattle Times columnist ignores reality, carries enviros’ ‘oily’ attack line against GOP Senate

[...] does not give these green groups the moral high ground, disgraced former Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber is proof of this reality. In light of the Kitzhaber scandal, Westneat is remiss—bordering on [...]

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