
Langton has been mentioned or cited more than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Everyone's Blog Posts - EfrainEscudero' contains less than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Langton was highly popular in December, 2016.

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LD Jan/Feb 2017 - Free Speech on Campus - Neg Position

[...] speech acts. Building on and refining McKinnon's (1993) claim that pornography silences women, Langton (1993), and Hornsby and Langton (1998) argue that the industry and consumption of pornography [...]

Metal-on-Metal Hip Arthroplasty: Where Do We Go From Here?

[...] results led the Danish authors to terminate the use of MoM at their centers. In the BMJ Open, Langton et al. reported a 16% failure rate among more than 350 Pinnacle MoM hips after about nine years [...]


Mutsvangwa Demands Sack, Langton’s Violence, Mugabe on Mining, JOGMEC’s Role and Road Crash.

[...] PF in 2000 to save the ruling party’s “ethos […] The post Mutsvangwa Demands Sack, Langton’s Violence, Mugabe on Mining, JOGMEC’s Role and Road Crash. appeared first on [...]

Update on Langton's Ants Simulator

[...] out there? You just found it. Made with Python and Pygame, this simulator is basically the Langton Ant Fan's wet dream. It's undergoing constant development, so new exciting as well as interesting [...]

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