
Mahfud has been mentioned or cited less than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'VOI - News' contains less than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Mahfud was highly popular in June, 2015.

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SOMALILAND: Congratulations Pour In For Mokhtar Aidarous

[...] , Faysal idiris cashuur Ahmed Khalif jama salah Mohamed Abdi sheikh ilig Abdirisaak osman Dr Mahfud abdi alahi Omer ali asowe Prof abdirisak aw dahir( Bhai) Guleid Mohamed muse awale Khalid ahmed [...]

Presidential Candidates to meet with SBY

[...] Rajasa campaign team chief Mahfud MD is certain that the candidate pair will win the presidential election by obtaining 54 percent [...]

Imam Buchori (Ra Imam): Pilkada Bangkalan Belum Usai

[...] hukum Imam-Zain, Siti Nurhaida mengatakan, bahwa pengajuan gugatan ke lembaga yang dipimpin Mahfud MD itu lantaran kliennya merasa hak konstitusionalnya dirampas Ra Imam (Imam Buchori Cholil, [...]

KH Zainuddin MZ

KH Zainuddin MZ

[...] kembali untuk berdakwah dan kembali berada ditengah-tengah umat. Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), Mahfud MD, mengatakan bahwa Zainuddin sebagai penceramah yang mampu memberikan pencerahan bagi umat [...]


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