Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson has been mentioned or cited more than a hundred times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Media | The Guardian' contains more than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Mark Thompson was highly popular in December, 2016.

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'Censorship, Algorithms And A Ministry Of Truth', Globalism vs. Nationalism: The New Civil War

[...] of Truth” run by corporations (like Google). It’ll likely be both. On Monday, Mark Thompson, President and CEO of The New York Times Company, delivered remarks to members of [...]

The Washington D.C. PIZZAGATE Is Directly Connected To The London PIZZAGATE

[...] credit: Wiki, NY Times) November 26, 2016 | Cassius Kamarampi (Era of Wisdom) It turns out Mark Thompson, CEO of the news agency (NY Times) that interviewed James Alefantis and dismissed the Pizza [...]

The Weatherby 6.5-300 Magnum

[...] Leupold scope, helps even the odds. If you really want to take it to the next level, give Mark Thompson a call and attend one of his long-range shooting classes. Taking long-range shots at big game [...]

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