Mike Duggan

Mike Duggan has been mentioned or cited more than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'OVG Invest' contains more than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Mike Duggan was highly popular in February, 2017.

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Motor City bans cars

[...] US$ 8,300,000 will be spent on bike paths around the city this year. Detroit Mayor, Mike Duggan, tells you why it’s important… “This is another step in making Detroit a place where more [...]

OVG Invest


Demolishing houses in Detroit raises property values

[...] will receive a further US$ 41,900,000 in federal funds to remove blighted homes. Mayor, Mike Duggan, tells you why it’s such good news… “This is more great news for the city of Detroit’s [...]

OVG Invest


Improving services to get higher returns

[...] to power around 450 homes when construction is finished at the end of 2016. Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan tells you why it’s important… “This partnership with DTE Energy is a perfect example of how [...]

OVG Invest


What’s this worth to you?

[...] education. But that’s about to change in Detroit. You see, last week Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan unveiled a new initiative called The Detroit Promise Zone. The program guarantees [...]

OVG Invest


Big boost for Detroit’s property market

[...] mortgages. And there are currently 5 banks participating in the scheme. Detroit Mayor, Mike Duggan, initiated the program and he explains why… “If you think that the city is coming back… [...]

OVG Invest


Will you benefit from these tax cuts?

[...] to their homes being foreclosed by the tax department. And according to Detroit Mayor, Mike Duggan, it is working… “More people are staying in their homes, avoiding foreclosure and are [...]

OVG Invest


A Republican governors plan to solve immigration and unemployment

[...] immigration officials. But before leaving, Snyder was joined this morning by Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and members of the City Council members, including President Brenda Jones and Detroit’s first [...]


Detroit Home Owners Insurance Sky Rockets, Detroit’s ISO Jumps From 2-4

[...] Jones, who was confirmed last week as fire commissioner by the Detroit City Council, said Mayor Mike Duggan is committed to improving the rating. “Clearly, Detroit was hurt by the downgrading of the [...]


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