Norodom Sihamoni

Norodom Sihamoni has been mentioned or cited more than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'All About My Birthday' contains less than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Norodom Sihamoni was highly popular in February, 2017.

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Encyclopedia Cambodiana

[...] Il-Sung and Chairman Mao. Now shuffled of his mortal coil and residing in the moon. Norodom Sihamoni – Current king. The only monarch in the world to speak Czech, a lover of ballet. [...]

National Police Newspaper in Cambodia

[...] on to regular coverage of crime, security and public order. Noticeably, in 2006, King Norodom Sihamoni decreed the official date of the creation of the National Police to be May 16, 1945, [...]

Press digest – December 23

[...] meets Cambodian King State President Truong Tan Sang met with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on December 23, the first day of his two-day official visit to the Kingdom of [...]

Discord Follows Angkor Concert

[...] in this project,” Sisowath said. He added that he has brought the issue to King Norodom Sihamoni’s attention. “In Cambodia, if a person steals a motorbike, they go to jail, but this person [...]

State President meets Cambodian King

[...] 16:05 | 23/12/2014 VGP – State President Truong Tan Sang met with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on December 23, the first day of his two-day official visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia. [...]

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