Sarah Mitchell

Sarah Mitchell has been mentioned or cited less than a dozen times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'What to see in Ibiza' contains less than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Sarah Mitchell was highly popular in August, 2015.

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A Project and a Giveaway

[...] find the strength to embrace a future that’s different than the one you planned? For Sarah Mitchell, the answer is simple—you don’t. For two years, Sarah has shut herself off from most [...]

Courvoisier celebrates spontaneity at Jarnac Chateau

[...] culmination of Maxxium UK’s search for the most spontaneous bartender, which was awarded to Sarah Mitchell, formerly of Callooh Callay. Sarah’s winning serve, named Jarnac Jedi was made using [...]

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