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[...] nearly $4.4 million of his own money to get elected to the seat (including the primary against Steve Lonegan). He also received donations and support from influential Lacey GOP and county Republican [...]
[...] split in Stafford Township. Having recently earned the backing of perennial candidate Steve Lonegan, the faction based out of Stafford is running Frederic Kociban and Howard Height to challenge [...]
[...] — historically have faced an uphill climb in Jersey. But another conservative, Steve Lonegan, lost to Booker last fall by just 11 percentage points, a much closer margin than people [...]
[...] U.S. Senate to represent nearly 9 million New Jersey residents after beating out Republican Steve Lonegan in a special election Wednesday. Despite gains by Lonegan in the polls leading up to the [...]
[...] U.S. Senate to represent nearly 9 million New Jersey residents after beating out Republican Steve Lonegan in a special election Wednesday. Despite gains by Lonegan in the polls leading up to the [...]
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