Halle Berry

Halle Berry has been mentioned or cited more than a thousand times throughout all the RSS channels we monitor. Especially, the channel 'Comic Book Movie' contains more than a dozen references to this person (or maybe different people with similar names) alone. As it’s displayed on the chart below, Halle Berry was highly popular in February, 2017.

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What Hairstyle Should I Get? (Ginnifer Goodwin, Selena Gomez, Keira Knightley, Ashley Greene, Cameron Diaz, Jessica Simp...

[...] : A pixie cut with short layers on the top is the perfect short cut for heart shaped gals like Halle Berry! For a long cut, try out a collarbone length cut or a super long layers with full bangs Like [...]


Where to Watch the Oscars in LA

[...] worn dresses worn by oscar winners such as the Audrey Hepburn, a tasty yum drink and the Halle Berry made with mezcal. SOURCE Did you find this information helpful? We’d love to hear from you! [...]


Tips For Healthy Hair : Hair Ranges From Thin And Fine To Thick…

[...] for an oval face shape are those that cover parts of the face. The short hairstyles worn by Halle Berry, Becca, Lupita Nyong’o, Kansiime Anne… could exaggerate the fullness of a round face. Women [...]


10 Bad Movies With Great Casts

[...] political satires of our time, it’s undoubtedly a bit creepy seeing him make out with Halle Berry (who is almost 30 years younger than the great Mr. Beatty). Nonetheless, he remains [...]


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